Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!
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This show is dedicated to a small reuse centre in the heart of Trnava called Baterkáreň. It is quite a strange name for what their actual purpose is -- find out why in an interview with its founders Simona Hlaváčová and Jana Reháková. Second part of the show is dedicated to an important milestone in the lives of all high schoolers in Slovakia. The period of school leaving exams, in Slovakia known as maturita has come. Patka talked to her friend Adelka about how maturita works and what are her expectations, as she is about to take these exams as well.
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  • Štvrtok 13.03. 08:00
  • Štvrtok 13.03. 11:00
  • Štvrtok 13.03. 14:00
  • Štvrtok 13.03. 16:00
  • Štvrtok 13.03. 18:30
  • Štvrtok 13.03. 20:30
  • Piatok 14.03. 02:00